Putting The Emotion in Motion Graphics

Putting The Emotion in Motion Graphics

When it comes to video production in San Diego, BizVid Communications finds that the little extras on a video production can really add credibility and brand recognition to a client. One of the creative components we are adding to videos more and more regularly is...

Video Production is a Collaborative Effort

San Diego video production company, BizVid Communications, has been in business many years and is fortunate to be able to list a variety of clients who represent many different industries.  It is this aspect of our business that we enjoy very much.  And, while we at...

The Studio as a Location

As a leading San Diego video production company, BizVid Communications is frequently called upon to video tape projects in a variety of locations.  Where that location happens to be is dictated by the requirements as outlined in the written script. Over the years, we...

Handy Video Models

The San Diego Video Production leader, BizVid Communications can attest that hand and foot models do a lot more than just plunk their body parts into a camera shot. Our recent blog interview with Ashley Frey of the Body Parts Modeling Agency offers a deeper look into...
Video Food For Thought

Video Food For Thought

As the premiere San Diego video production company, BizVid Communications enjoys tasteful relationships with our clients. On many levels, one of our most flavorful client friendships is with CND Nails. The letters stand for Creative Nail Design. They are a national...
Video By The Foot

Video By The Foot

As THE video production company in San Diego, sometimes BizVid Communications creates our videos by the foot. Let us explain. One of our longtime and beloved clients is CND, which stands for Creative Nail Design. Thanks to their marketing and training teams, as well...